NEWS: Reality of Digital Threats

June 30, 2023

A significant event unfolded earlier this year, pointing out the ever-present dangers lurking in the cybersphere. A technological provider found itself at the mercy of a cyber onslaught that led to the unauthorized access and theft of a staggering 500,000 personal health records. This occurrence has highlighted the ever-pressing concerns about data security and the repercussions it holds for those caught in its crosshairs.

Unraveling the Extent of the Breach

A disclosure filed with the attorney general’s office of Maine indicated that 489,830 individuals had their personal information compromised due to the targeted cyber strike on Fortra, an entity associated with Intellihartx.

The disclosure unveiled the diverse array of sensitive data that was captured by the cyber adversaries. This included patient identities, residential details, dates of birth, and even Social Security numbers, posing considerable risk to the individuals affected. In addition, the breach also affected medical billing details, insurance information, and confidential health-related data such as diagnoses and medication records.

The severity of the situation is underscored by the fact that Intellihartx wasn’t the sole entity affected by these high-profile attacks. Fortra’s GoAnywhere software, which is widely utilized for sharing large data sets across the internet, has been identified as a main target for cyber offenders.

Behind the Scenes of the Attack

The cybercriminal collective, known as Clop, has taken responsibility for exploiting a previously unrevealed vulnerability in Fortra’s software. This loophole allowed them to infiltrate the networks of numerous organizations and companies, amplifying the impact of the attack.

The Ripple Effect

The repercussions of this breach are felt far and wide in the healthcare sector, where the protection and confidentiality of patient information are of utmost importance. This incident has raised serious concerns, as it has led to the compromise of half a million personal health records. The pilfered data could potentially be used for various harmful intents, posing a significant threat to the privacy and welfare of the affected individuals.

In response to this incident, Steps were taken to address the breach, which includes filing the necessary data breach notifications and initiating a process to notify affected individuals. A notice released on June 8, 2023, aims to keep those impacted by the incident informed, offering crucial details and guidance on measures to mitigate potential damage.

The Aftermath

Among the noteworthy victims of this aggressive digital campaign are entities like Hatch Bank, a digital financial institution, Rubrik, a respected security firm, and even municipal entities like the City of Toronto.

Looking Forward: Protecting Your Organization

As the digital realm continues to evolve, so do the threats within it. Yet, hope is far from lost. For organizations looking to safeguard their valuable assets in this digital age, a comprehensive Managed Services Provider (MSP) can make all the difference.

Here are a few ways an MSP can help:

  • Proactive Monitoring: Identifying potential threats before they become a problem.
  • Regular Updates: Ensuring software is up-to-date to protect against known vulnerabilities.
  • Disaster Recovery Planning: Preparing your organization to bounce back quickly in the event of a breach.
  • Employee Education: Providing crucial training to staff members on recognizing and avoiding cyber threats.

At Infradapt, our mission is to help organizations navigate the complex landscape of digital security, and ensure they are equipped with the right tools to protect against potential cyber threats. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help your organization stay secure, we invite you to visit our website at, or call us directly at 484-546-2000. Let us help you adapt to the future, securely and confidently.